ALN Tuesday@4 Ep. 04/06/21

The ALN 2021 National Issues webinar features topics that are National Issues in the asset management industry.

March 23rd – ASCE 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure;
March 30th – ALN Senior Fellows 2021 Paths to Success;
April 6th – Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership in 2021;
April 13th – ALN 2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy.

Tuesdays at 4pm ET

The ALN is honored to facilitate a series of webinars addressing issues critical to the successful future of the United States Federal Government and its partners throughout the world. At 4 pm Eastern, the next four Tuesdays, panels of recognized experts will reflect on and discuss their thoughtful look into the critical issues facing the United States Federal Government. Panelists will address the influence of U.S. decisions on the institutions, companies, organizations and individuals impacted by legislation, regulations, and strategy surrounding our national assets.

4)  Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership in 2021 – April 6, 4 pm ET
The ALN Advancing Equity with Asset Leadership Committee established a position paper that was presented to the Biden-Harris Transition Team in December 2020. Members of the Committee will discuss the content of the position paper and how asset leadership can play a critical role in achieving the equity goals that are at the heart of the new Administration’s agenda.
Mildred Chua-Ulger, recently retired Director and Program Executive, Enterprise Information and Asset Management, New York City Metropolitan Transit Authority, and other members of the Committee.

5)  ALN 2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy – April 13, 4 pm ET
It became obvious that in order gain benefits from a proven, international asset management structure, the U.S. would need a template National Asset Leadership Strategy for legislators and agency executives to adapt in support of their goals and mission success.  With the strong support of ALN Organizational Member Grant Thornton, the ALN published a document and presented it to the Biden-Harris Transition Team, just as we presented asset management recommendations to the Trump-Pence Transition Team in 2016.  Learn how the 2021 National Asset Leadership Strategy can allow all relevant stakeholders to participate in shaping an approach to achieving measurable success to resolve seemingly intractable asset management problems.
Jim Dieter, ALN CEO
Moshe Nelson, Principal, Grant Thornton
Jack Kelly, ALN Board of Directors Member and formerly with OMB for 36 years