BIMStorm Onuma 02 Ep. 01/14/21

The ONUMA System software is based on secure, open standards and allows powerful visualization of assets, animation of assets, georeferencing of assets, internal reporting and open APIs to allow data to be shared with other software that may have more specific and detailed analysis abilities.

Kimon Onuma has been a strong supporter of the ALN for many years. Mr. Onuma was part of the 2016 ALN Working Group on Information Management that concluded, “Data is an Asset.” Using secure, open standards is a powerful way for asset owners to maintain control of their data and not be subject to unreasonable requirements by software companies wanting to profit from technological barriers instead of constantly improving capabilities.

ONUMA, Inc. advocates for asset owners to use any software that is based on secure, open standards and uses its own capabilities to demonstrate benefits from this approach. I hope you find the program informative. Please let me know what you think of this special program.

*Onuma System is an advertiser on the Industry News Online platform.
